Friday 22 May 2015


1. Character and religion:
Our character is not our religion, though our religious beliefs will affect our character. Our beliefs affect our character development if we understand that we will give account to God for our behavior. Every person has a character regardless of his or her religious
beliefs. It is for this reason that every person must seek to develop a good character
in order to be a good citizen of any society. We must focus on being a person
of integrity in order to be honorable citizens in our communities. Character development is absolutely necessary for developing a life that is rich with success and good relationships

2. Character and Conscience                                                                                                                                           Everyone has a conscience. If we do not do that which we think is right, we hurt or violate our conscience. A good character that originates from a God-trained conscience moves us to do right in order that we not violate our conscience. In order to define and develop a good conscience that is based on eternal moral and ethical principles, we must look for moral and ethical principles that originate from God

Everyone has developed in his or her life that which he or she considers to be right.
We seek to do good according to what we believe is right. Character development is knowing and practicing correct principles by which we can determine what is good or bad. We develop our conscience with good moral and ethical principles in order to guide ourselves to do that which is right.

Our character determines how we will respond to every situation in life.                         Our character, therefore, is manifested by our encounters with people and situations.
• Good characters will make the best of bad situations.
• Bad characters will often make the worst of good situations.
It is necessary to develop our characters so we know how to interact in all situations of life, whether good or bad.                                                                                                                                              
3. Character Building Rules:
God’s standards upon which good characters are built have been time-tested and accepted as true and good by men of all ages. Because we are the creation of God, God has placed within us a conscience to do right and good to our fellow man. God is the source from which good character principles can be discovered. Upon His principles great characters are built. We assume that God knows best concerning the development of our characters for successful living because He is our Creator. He created us, and then created principles for abundant living.                                                                                                                                     
Research Thought
In 1844, a deceased citizen gave the city of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania in America a large sum of money in his will. The money was to be used in teaching orphans the “purest principles of morality.” However, the heirs of the deceased man wanted his money for themselves. As a result, they sued and the case went before the Supreme Court of the United States. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the directions of the deceased person’s will. In addition, the Court ruled that the New Testament be used as the textbook for teaching orphans moral principles. The Court stated, “Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfect as
from the New Testament?”( Vidal vs Girard’s Executors; 43 U.S. 127, 200 [1844]).  
For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or  parenting and choosing  life partner contact him                                                  

 4. Nation building:
Almost all religions teach the same principles for moral, ethical and character development. Many religious faiths of the world accept the Bible as the primary source of moral and ethical principles in developing our characters. In fact, the first president of the United States, George Washington, said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” The great educator, Noah Webster, once said, “The Bible must be considered as the great source of all truth by which men are to be guided in government, as well as in all social transactions.”William Lyon Phelps once wrote, “Western civilization is founded upon the Bible; our ideas, our wisdom, our philosophy, our literature, our art, our ideals come more from the Bible than from all other books put
together. It is a revelation of divinity and of humanity.” Though the Bible has been used as the foundation upon which many civil constitutions have been developed, God does not intend that the Bible be used directly as the actual constitution for any government. He only desires that men in writing their constitutions for civil government be guided by His principles for national building. Good constitutions are based on timeless moral and ethical principles by which God seeks to build every nation of the world for all history.
For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or  parenting and choosing  life partner contact him                                                                                  @ or call + 2348084999199, +234 7033600002. Whatsapp 08076699959                                                                                                       visit:;;

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Our Character Determines Our Future

Our Character Determines Our Future
The better we relate with others, the better we will succeed in life
Our success in life will depend on how we relate to other people. The better we relate with others, the better we will succeed in life. When one develops his or her character, he or she can better live with family and friends. Good character development makes it possible for us to live in harmony with our neighbors. When we learn and practice skills of how to relate with others, we will succeed in life as a productive citizen of the community.                           For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or  parenting and choosing  life partner contact him                                                                                 @ or call + 2348084999199,                                +2347033600002                                                                                                                        visit:;;    

Facts about Single life

Facts about Single life                                                                                                  Many singles are ashamed of being referred to as singles because they lack the understanding of the blessing of the single life state: the facts of singleness are enumerated herein:
      I.        Singleness is not a sin
    II.        Singleness is not a curse
   III.        Singleness is not a sickness
  IV.        Singleness is not a problem
   V.        Singleness is not a barrier or limitation.                                                                                      
The truth about singleness is that it is a gift from God and it has its grace, which are:
              I.        You can be single and be solid
            II.        You can be single and be sound
           III.        You can be single and be successful
          IV.        You can be single and be whole
           V.        You can be single and be fulfilled
          VI.        You can be single and be useful and helpful to the work of God.

Singles in this context refers to the group of people who are not married.  It includes the
teenagers, youths, single parents and those who are in courtship.  They are said to be alone because they do not have a life partner or a companion to share their thoughts and feelings with; while loneliness is referred to as the sadness resulting from a feeling of being alone, or lack of friends or companionship.
Sunday Punch of January 6, 2008, in its article titled: Singles, You Can Overcome Loneliness, reported of a lady, a bank marketer who confessed to be lonely especially after work, “I would watch television, in fact, there is no film I have not watched and I spend a lot of money recharging my phone because I am always calling some friends and would chat into the night: Really this is not the kind of life I want.  I need someone special that I can share my thoughts with and feel secured.

A large percentage of singles are lonely because they believe they don't have that special some one in their lives. They become depressed, withdrawn, discouraged, frustrated and less interested in those around them.
Robert Weiss, a researcher diagnosed loneliness.  To him we do not need 10,000 people: we need just one special person.  He calls that person our attachment figure, someone who gives us a sense of security or reassurance that we can face the world again.  He refers to this type of loneliness of emotional isolation.

The effects of loneliness are:
l    Sleeps more than necessary
l    Eating more than necessary
l    Overweight and out of shape
l    Poor job performance
l    Changing of normal behaviour
l    Overeating in certain issues
l    Spending more time in watching TV or and listening to radio
l    Takes some drugs before going to bed
l    Indulging in sexual immorality
l    Preoccupying with evil thought.

SINGLES: Alone but not lonely:
Ten Tips for overcoming loneliness….

1.      Once you have Jesus in your life you will             always have His company and love.  Jesus said, “I will not abandon you as orphans - I will come to you.” John 14:18.
2.      Though earthly companionship may fail, the Lord will never fail.  “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.” Psalm 27:10.

3.      Sometimes the Lord let us feel lonely to drive us closer to Him.  “Whom have I in heaven but you?  I desire you more than anything on earth.  My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever…. But as for me, how good it is to be near God.  I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do.” Psalm 74:25-28.

4.      Christ was abandoned by His closest followers that night in the garden of Gethsemane.  “All the disciples forsook Him and fled.” Mat 25:56b).

5.      Even Jesus felt and feels lonely.  “That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God.  Let us cling to Him and never stop trusting Him.  This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same temptations as we do, yet He did not sin.  So let us come boldly to the Throne of our gracious God.  There we will receive His mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it.” Heb 4:14-16.

6.      Making an effort and taking the initiative to reach out to others and be a friend is an antidote for loneliness.  Three of Job's friends…. When they heard of the tragedy he had suffered, they got together and traveled from their homes to comfort and console him. (Job 2:11).

7.      Fellowship with others can be strengthening.  “Jonathan (Saul's son) went to find David and encourage him to stay strong in his faith in God… Don't be afraid.  Jonathan reassured him, my father will never find you…” I Sam 23:16-17a.

8.      Winning souls with the Lord's love even helps you overcome personal loneliness: “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?  And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the scripture means when they say, “How beautiful are the feet of those who brings good news:  - (Roman 10:14,15).

9.      If you show a real love for others, you won't have a hard time winning friends.  “…All of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble mind..” (I Peter 3:8).

10.    Experts on loneliness recommended reading and singing as an antidote to loneliness.  Watch what you read.  Therefore, you are recommended to edifying and faith-building Christian literatures, Bible and songs, worship and praise God when you feel lonely, but you are not alone.  The master Jesus is with you every moment.
  For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or        parenting and choosing  life partner contact him                                                                                                                                            @ or call + 2348084999199, +234   7033600002  visit:;;;    Roland Enearu; Dr    Roland Enearu; Home and Life Outreach; Dr. Roland Enearu; Home and Life1959Roland

Saturday 16 May 2015

Why Your Family Devotions Are Important

Why Your Family Devotions Are Important
Twelve convincing reasons for having family devotions:
1. It unifies the family and sweetens home life.
2. It cultivates the Christian graces and relieves tension and misunderstanding that        sometimes threaten the fellowship of the home.
3. It aids our boys and girls in becoming Christians, and helps them to develop ideals    that guide them in vital Christian living.
4. It yields spiritual resources for daily tasks and assists us in cultivating dependence    upon God.
5. It strengthens us in the face of adversities and disappointments and enables us to     trust Christ implicitly in all of life's circumstances.
6. It makes us conscious during the day of the abiding presence of our Savior and          Friend.
7. It bears a Christian witness to the guests in our home.
8. It undergirds the Christian teaching of the Sunday School and the ministry of the       church.
9. It affords opportunity for the Christian family to pray for and to sharpen its concern for            non-Christian families.
10. It helps us to give a right place to spiritual values and saves us from an undue          concern for the temporal things of life.
11. It encourages us to put Christianity into practice in our homes.
12. It honors God and provides an excellent outlet for the expression of our gratitude for            the abundance of daily mercies and blessings which come from Him.                   For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or  parenting and choosing  life partner contact him                                                                                        @ or call + 2348084999199, +234 7033600002  visit:;;; Roland Enearu; Dr Roland Enearu; Home and Life Outreach; Dr. Roland Enearu; Home and Life1959Roland

Advice to Fathers About Their Children:

Advice to Fathers About Their Children:
A Always trust them to God's care.
B Bring them to church.
C Challenge them to high goals.
D Delight in their achievements.
E Exalt the Lord in their presence.
F Frown on evil.
G Give them love.
H Hear their problems.
I Ignore not their childish fears.
J Joyfully accept their apologies.
K Keep their confidence.
L Live a good example before them.
M Make them your friends.
N Never ignore their endless questions.
O Open your home to their visits.
P Pray for them by name.
Q Quicken your interest in their spirituality.
R Remember their needs.
S Show them the way of salvation.
T Teach them to work.
U Understand they are still young.
V Verify your statements.
W Wean them from bad company.
X Expect them to obey.
Y Yearn for God's best for them
Z Zealously guide them in biblical truth. For more information or Counseling on home, family life, marriage life or  parenting and choosing  life partner contact him  @ or call + 2348084999199, +234 7033600002  visit:;;; Roland Enearu; Dr Roland Enearu; Home and Life Outreach; Dr. Roland Enearu; Home and Life1959Roland